Active and Assisted Living for an Healthy Aging of the Population
SmartBug at the aid of the weakest.
The demographic change but also the new social issues opened with the recent pandemic, with the growing ageing population, implies a radical transformation of the structure of living environments, not only the home, but also the working and public environments. The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) approach – which is the subject of numerous initiatives also at European level – develops advanced technologies to support the independence of weak users, such as the elderly and people with disabilities, in their living environments.
These technologies have a potential positive impact also for the general population, as they can offer advanced home automation tools to improve and facilitate ordinary daily activities.

SmartBug and its remote healthcare solution.
SmartBug technology adapts to AAL solutions in home automation: the heterogeneity of the components and services that together make up an AAL system, the development of effective solutions for their integration and interoperability allows the specialist use of SmartBug solutions that can involve assistive robotic systems, wearable systems, adaptive interfaces, up to the development of non-invasive sensor technologies.
SmartBug’s AAL Ecosystem involves different aspects that can be summarized in 3 main groups:
- Target people. These are the people with different needs and disabilities that require constant monitoring by the system.
- Application fields. These may vary from inside and outside environments and, therefore, involve solutions that are both different technologically and methodologically.
- The AAL system. This involves various features, which range from the alerts for dangerous events to the more complex behavioral analysis.
The distributed sensors collect data and support the caregivers in their job. They can measure different parameters both in the environment and in the patients. Patient’s parameter: Heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate and pulse rate. Furthermore, it can detect the behavioral parameters of a patient such as the acceleration and monitor the body movements.
Environmental parameters: Temperature and humidity.