SmartBug for businesses.
SmartBug is an innovative system of intelligent devices developed for the automatic control of buildings and advanced monitoring of the environment, objects, and people.
The devices of which it is made, perfectly integrate in every electrical system – new or old – replacing the regular wall switches without the need to change anything in the system itself. Once installed in an office, for instance, SmartBugs communicate between each other in an automatic and wireless way, thus creating an intelligent, robust and integrated ecosystem.

Building automation
When we say Smart Building we talk about a building in which the systems within it are managed in an intelligent and automated way. This can occur through the usage of an infrastructure to supervise and control the systems. This way you can minimize the power usage and ensure comfort, security and wellbeing of the occupants, guaranteeing a great integration with the electrical system of the building.

The iBeacon safety system was developed with the goal of localizing an individual, whether it is a worker or a visitor inside the enclosed spaces, like for instance in an underground power station or along the tunnels that lead to the dams reservoirs where it’s very hard to communicate with the outside world especially during an emergency. This could allow the execution of round-the-clock checks or daily inspections…

Health Care
The demographic change but also the new social issues opened with the recent pandemic, with the growing ageing population, implies a radical transformation of the structure of living environments, not only the home, but also the working and public environments. The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) approach – which is the subject of numerous initiatives also at European level – develops advanced…